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Лесопиломатериалы, прочее в Осло

10 объявлений
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10 объявлений
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Wood Chips
25 €/м.куб. DAP
We sell fuel chips, technological own production of coniferous and hardwood. Mass fraction of bark not more than 15%. Place of loading Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, Mosty. Natural humidity, fraction 20-50mm. The volume of 10 000 m3 per month. Access road to 8 cars. Perhaps the price on the
10 мар 2020
45 €/м.кв. EXW
Die Firma LLC Termoobrobka stellt Formteile aus thermisch behandeltem Holz unterschiedlicher Größe und Holzart her. Decking, Deck, vordere Bretter. Komponenten (Futter, Holz, Liege) für die Sauna. Thermisch modifizierter Träger für den Bau von Häusern und anderen Objekten.
+3 объявления
8 окт 2024
Thermally treated wood
30 €/м.кв. EXW
We produce thermo tree: thermo pine, thermo poplar, thermo alder, thermo ash.
+3 объявления
8 окт 2024
Thermo wood
30 €/м.кв. EXW
The company LLC Termoobrobka produces molded products from thermally treated wood of different sizes and wood species. Decking, deck, front (planken). Components (lining, timber, lounger) for the sauna. Thermally modified beam for building houses and other objects.
+3 объявления
8 окт 2024
Skandinavisk trelast/Scandinavian wood
1 крон/м.куб.
Vi ser etter grossistleverandører av skandinavisk trelast. 30-60 m3 per måned We are looking for wholesale suppliers of lumber from Scandinavian wood. 30-60 m3 per month
19 фев 2022
Sagtømmer, billets, friser furu, gran, lerk, bøk, eik fra Ukraina FCA
1 крон/шт
VUDMOST UKRAINE Ltd. - vi er en produsent av trelast fra furu, gran, gran, lerk, eik, bøk .... Vi lager trelast, emner, friser på bestilling for eksport av alle størrelser. Vi har eget sagbruk og tørkekammer. Vi er også engasjert i produksjon av spesialtilpassede møbler og ulike
+4 объявления
7 фев 2022
SIPs - Structural Insulated Panels (Green Buildings)
200 €/м.кв.  
опт 150 - 200 €/м.кв.
Our company "CITY-HOUSE" is a manufacturer of the frame-panel houses based on Canadian technology, located in Ukraine. With the extensive experience in the construction, I want to offer the supply of modules from SIP panels to your country for the quick construction of residential and
21 сен 2021
Kindling wood
Kindling wood - фото 1
Kindling wood - фото 2
Kindling wood - фото 3
1 крон/шт
We are Ukrainian company. We are producing pine kindling wood Maybe you will be intertesting to work with us.
+1 объявление
10 ноя 2020
Coffins - фото 1
Coffins - фото 2
+3 фото
Coffins - фото 3
120 €/шт EXW  
опт 100 - 115 €/шт
Coffins European samples. Material pine, oak. Coffins are upholstered. with handles, varnished. We make coffins of different types according to your orders and sketches
21 июн 2019
Edged pine timber
Цена по запросу
Good day! Our company is a direct manufacturer of lumber. We are located in Ukraine, Vinnitsa region We cut the pallet blank, timber, boards. Conifers. We cut on the disk equipment. Timber of multisaw quality. Tel, VibER, Vtsap Alina email:
27 ноя 2018
Найдены объявления в радиусе 310 км от Осло
Wooden Houses Kit from Glued Laminated Timber
Wooden Houses Kit from Glued Laminated Timber - фото 1
Wooden Houses Kit from Glued Laminated Timber - фото 2
Wooden Houses Kit from Glued Laminated Timber - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Buy a Home Kit and Build Your Own House Many styles of homes can be built from kits: domes, laminated timber-frame homes, log homes. We have been manufactured and constructed wooden houses from glued laminated timber for more than 12 years so far. The countries we have built in are Georgia,
+1 объявление
28 фев 2019
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