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Осло и Акерсхус

Корма и кормовые добавки, прочее в Осло и Акерсхусе

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Cake from the manufacturer
Цена по запросу
Linseed and rapeseed cake, feed concentrate of the embryo of corn. Manufacturer Производим кормовой концентрат зародыша кукурузы, а также жмых рапсовый и льняной.
+15 объявлений
29 мая 2020
High grade soybean meal suitable for animal food/ Yellow Maize for animal feed/ fish meal
High grade soybean meal suitable for animal food/ Yellow Maize for animal feed/ fish meal - фото 1
High grade soybean meal suitable for animal food/ Yellow Maize for animal feed/ fish meal - фото 2
+1 фото
High grade soybean meal suitable for animal food/ Yellow Maize for animal feed/ fish meal - фото 3
310 €/т DAP
Small Orders Accepted Key Specifications/ Special Features: Soybean Meal Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed. The nutrient
+3 объявления
30 янв
Top quality alfalfa hay
120 €/т CIF
High quality Alfalfa bales Weight: 750 & 800 KG – 400KG (on inquiry) Lengths: 2.20 - 2.30 meters Width: 1 – 1.1 meters Height: 80 meters Protein: Min 17% - Min 18 % Chop size ( Long Fiber) – 10 cm Chop Size (Short Fiber) 4-6 cm Moisture – Max 12% Alfafa pellets Packaging: Bulk/big bag
+36 объявлений
15 фев 2023
Rapeseed cake
Цена по запросу
Hot pressed rapeseed cake Incoterms FCA
+5 объявлений
3 ноя 2020
Hot pressed rapeseed cake
Цена по запросу
Hot pressed rapeseed cake Incoterms FCA
+5 объявлений
3 ноя 2020
Dry brewer's yeast
1 €/т EXW
Dry brewer's yeast is a unique product that contains up to 40-55% of high-quality, complete, easily digestible protein, which includes 17 essential amino acids, most of which are essential. It contains vitamins D, F, E, K, group B, biotin, minerals - magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, copper,
6 фев 2019
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