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Disposable polyethylene gloves

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Disposable polyethylene gloves - фото 1 Disposable polyethylene gloves - фото 2 Disposable polyethylene gloves - фото 3 Disposable polyethylene gloves - фото 4
Обновлено: 29 октября 2020, 19:41 ID: 1680648
оптовая цена
от 0.60 /Упаковка (упак)
Irene, ST Лондон, GB
на Флагма с 7 июня 2020
Efthymiadou Eirini


Irene polyethylene gloves are made from primary raw materials based on high- or low-pressure polyethylene. They are distinguished by compressive and tensile strength, low impact resistance, high water resistance and chemical resistance. In addition, the production facilities of the factory allow producing IRENE'S gloves of any size in unlimited volume. The Irene's disposable polyethylene gloves may be of particular interest, but are not limited to housework or gardening, restaurant staff, food factories (baking, making sandwiches, salads, etc.), workshop workers, petrol stations, supermarkets, public organizations (hospitals, schools, banks, etc.) and cleaning companies.
The gloves come packed in 100 pieces per box made out of polyethylene or paper (depending on customer’s choice).

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Irene, ST Лондон, GB
Работает на Флагма с 7 июня 2020
Efthymiadou Eirini
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Efthymiadou Eirini
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Irene, ST Efthymiadou Eirini, директор
Disposable polyethylene gloves
от 0.60 €/Упаковка (упак) ID: 1680648
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